Monday, October 11, 2010

10-11-10 Circuit

Circuit consisting of 5 sets of the following exercises:
Each set should be done as fast as possible with about 1 min rest between sets.
5 - cleans 110#
5 - push jerks 110#
5 - pulls ups
5 box jumps

we did 8 reps the first two sets and then went down to 5 for the last three.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10-6-10 Crossfit Football circuit

Got this from but we changed the ring dips to regular dips with more reps since we don't have rings.
Total workout time for us was 8:55.
5 sets for time of the following circuit with about 1 minute rest between sets.
8 - hand stand push ups
8 - L - pull ups
15 -  dips
8 - decline push ups